The Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj)


The Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj in Czech, Böhmisches Paradies in German) is the name of the region located in the central “Pojizeří” Region (the region located along the Jizera River), which is exceptional for its high concentration of natural and historical landmarks.

The actual name of Bohemian Paradise originally applied to the region around Litoměřice (today known as the Garden of Bohemia), which was settled by the German-speaking population. The current definition came about in the second half of the 19th century. The authorship is attributed to the spa guests visiting Sedmihorky Spa; however, the first proven use comes from journalist Václav Durych in 1886.

The region is located approximately 90 km north-east of Prague. The “heart of the Bohemian Paradise” is traditionally considered to be Turnov.

The main dominants of the region are Kozákov Mountain and the ruins of Trosky Castle.

Typical of the Bohemian Paradise region is sandstone, which originated in the Mesozoic Era on the edges of what used to be the ocean. The rock formations known as rock towns are also significant, particularly Prachovské Rocks, Přihrazské Rocks, and the Hrubá Skála Region. Fishponds are also worth noting, such as Žabakor, Komárovský Fishpond, and the fishponds found in the valleys under Trosky and Kost. Noteworthy elements of the so-called rock towns including caves, pseudo-sinkholes, natural arches, and rock windows.
